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紅油抄手 Spicy Wontons in Chili Oil

Writer's picture: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【紅油抄手 Spicy Wontons in Chili Oil】



開心不開心,還是要吃、還是要生活… 那麼與其在情緒間遊走,不如好好吃一餐、好好對待自己、好好為未來走更遠的路!

紅油抄手,吃幾顆當作宵夜小食亦可,或一大碗當做正餐亦不錯。它在不知不覺間已經成為了我的comfort food~


材料 Ingredients:

- 餃子 Dumplings -

  • 豬絞肉 Minced pork | ~300 g

  • 薑片 Ginger slices | 6 slices

  • 蔥 Scallion | 2 stalks

  • 水 Water | 75 ml

  • 鹽 Salt | 1 tsp

  • 胡椒粉 Ground pepper | 1/2 tsp

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 1/2 tbsp

  • 餃子皮 Dumpling wrappers | 30 - 40 pcs

- 醬汁 Sauce -

  • 薑 Ginger | 10 g

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 2 cloves

  • 辣油 Chilli oil | 2 + 1 tbsp

  • 花椒油 Sichuan pepper oil | 1 tbsp

  • 麻油 Sesame oil | 1 tbsp

  • 老抽 Dark soy sauce | 2 tbsp

  • 生抽 Light soy sauce | 2 tbsp

  • 鎮江浙醋 Chinese black vinegar | 3 tbsp

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 1 tbsp

  • 熱水 Hot water | 2 tbsp

- 裝飾 Garnish -

  • 蔥花 Scallion (chopped) | 1 stalk

  • 芝麻 Sesame seeds | 1 tbsp

  • 芫荽 Coriander | 1 stalk

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先,把薑和蔥切成細粒,加入水份。用手提攪拌器打爛或用手擠爛成薑蔥水,過隔篩打水份擠出備用。

  2. 在一隻大碗中,加入豬絞肉、鹽、胡椒粉和麻油拌勻,再逐少加入薑蔥水,攪拌至完全混合。

  3. 包餃子。你可以按照自己的方式去包~

  4. 製作醬汁。把薑蓉、蒜蓉、辣油、花椒油、麻油、生抽、老抽、鎮江浙醋、砂糖和熱水拌勻。把數湯匙醬汁加入碗中備用。

  5. 煮餃子。水滾後,放入餃子煮滾。加入一杯清水後,待它再次煮滾便可撈起瀝水。放入已有醬汁的碗中。拌勻,放上蔥花、芝麻和芫荽作裝飾,再淋上少量辣油便完成。

  1. First, cut ginger and scallion into small pieces, place them in a bowl and add water in it. Use a hand blender to blend or use your hand to squeeze the flavour juice out from the ginger and scallion. Pass through a sieve and press out all the juice. Reserve for later use.

  2. In a big bowl, add minced pork, salt, ground pepper and sesame oil. Mix well. Then gradually add the ginger-scallion water and mix until everything is incorporated.

  3. Wrap the dumplings. Use whatever way you like to wrap it. Just have fun!

  4. Make the sauce. Mix grated ginger, grated garlic, chilli oil, sichuan pepper oil, sesame oil, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, Chinese black vinegar, sugar and hot water all together. Get a few tablespoon of sauce into 3-4 bowls.

  5. Cook the dumplings. Bring a pot of hot water to a boil and place the dumplings in it. When it comes to a full boil again, add a cup of water in it and let it boil again. When done, get the dumplings out and drain all the water. Place them in the bowl and garnish with some chopped scallion, sesame seeds and coriander. Drizzle some more chilli oil on top. Done!

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