【韓式雞絲青椒沙律 Korean Green Pepper Salad w/ Shredded Chicken 오이고추무침】
呢個年頭啲人話要煮健康野,就話要食雞胸、食多啲蔬菜;一話要減肥,又有好多人叫你戒澱粉質、生酮感受一下(#帶返個頭盔先 #Me唔係營養師 #鬼知咩 )~ 咁為咗要滿足呢啲需求,今日俾返上次節目教整嘅「韓式雞絲青椒沙律」大家啦!真心,在唔在乎健康嘅你,都應該會覺得呢個簡單菜式非常方便同吸引~
材料 Ingredients:
雞胸 Chicken breast | 1 pc
雞湯 Chicken stock | 1 L
薑片 Ginger slices | 4 slices
蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves
紅棗 Jujube | 4 pcs
韓國青椒(不辣) Cucumber pepper | 10 pcs
- 醬料 Dressing -
大醬 Doenjang | 1 tbsp
醬油 Soy sauce | 1/2 tbsp
砂糖 Sugar | 1/2 tbsp
梅汁 Plum juice | 1/2 tbsp
蛋黃醬 Mayonnaise | 1/2 tbsp
水 Water | 1 + 2.5 tbsp
韓式辣椒粉 Korean chilli flakes | 1 tsp
麻油 Sesame oil | 1/2 tbsp
蒜蓉 Garlic | 4 cloves
芝麻 Sesame seeds | 1 tsp
做法 Directions:
First, put chicken stock, ginger slices, garlic and jujube in a pot and bring it to a boil. Add chicken breast in and turn the heat to low, cook for 12-15 minutes. When done, take the meat out and let it cool down completely. Use a fork (or even with your hands) to shred the chicken.
Cut cucumber peppers into small pieces.
In a bowl, add all the ingredients for dressing (except for 2.5 tbsp of water) and mix well. Take out about 1.5 tbsp of dressing out and put in another bowl. Add that 2.5 tbsp of water in and mix well to make a relatively watery dressing for drizzling over the dish at the end.
Mix the pepper pieces and chicken separately with the remaining dressing.
Assemble. Put the pepper pieces on a top and top with the shredded chicken. Drizzle with some sesame oil and a bit more sesame seeds. If you want more dressing, pour the one that we make earlier over the dish.