【香辣北非蛋 Shakshuka】
以前去coffee shop,食嚟食去唔係All Day Breakfast就係Cabonara意粉。不過近呢一兩年多咗咖啡店賣呢個「香辣北非蛋」!做法絕對唔算複雜,惹味得來仲有好明顯嘅異國風味~ (🌱而且啱晒素食者)呢個週末不妨試吓整,再配埋杯靚咖啡就真係一流啦!
材料 Ingredients:
洋蔥 Onion | 1/2 pc
燈籠椒(紅色) Bell pepper (red) | 1 pc
蒜頭 Garlic | 3 cloves
孜然粉 Ground cumin | 1/2 tsp
芫荽籽粉 Ground coriander seeds | 1/2 tsp
甜紅椒粉 Paprika | 1 tsp
卡宴辣椒粉 Cayenne pepper | 1/4 tsp
茄膏 Tomato paste | 1 tbsp
罐頭蕃茄 Canned tomato | 1 can
哈里薩辣醬 Harrisa | 1 1/2 tsp
鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp
雞蛋 Eggs | 4 pcs
意大利番茜 Parsley | 1 stalk
快達芝士 Feta cheese | 30 g
麵包 Bread | 4 slices
做法 Directions:
加入罐頭蕃茄、哈里薩辣醬和鹽,煮大概 20 分鐘令醬汁變得稠身。
然後便可把稠身的醬汁撥開一個小洞,加入雞蛋,重複動作直接放入四隻雞蛋,便可以放上蓋子,煮大概 4 至 5 分鐘。
In a frying pan, add some olive oil and cook the chopped onion, bell peppers and minced garlic for a few minutes. After that add tomato paste and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add all the spices in and mix well, cook for about 20-30 seconds.
Add canned tomato, chopped harrisa and salt, cook for 20 minutes until thicken.
Make 4 small dents in the thick sauce, and crack the eggs in to fill the holes. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes or until the eggs are cooked to your likings.
When done, turn off the heat and remove the lid. Sprinkle crumbled feta cheese and chopped parsley over. The dish is best served with slices of toasted sourdough bread.