【朱古力腰果唧花曲奇 Piped Chocolate Butter Cookies 】
前排同大家戲言話要攪fans club,仲俾各位投票決定叫粉絲們做「黑朱 / Dark Chocolate」😂 攪到我依家喺街度見到任何朱古力食品都突然爆笑 #笑點極低的我😂~
Anyway,為咗多謝各位黑朱嘅支持,我真係plan緊喺不久嘅將來以giveaway形式派發我親手做嘅食物俾大家品嚐同交流吓~ 有興趣嘅朋友就記得繼續留意TG group啦!不過喺giveaway發生之前,都等我分享吓一啲朱古力口味食譜俾大家啦!
今次呢個食譜非常簡單易做~ 甚至用上無經鹼化而能保存可可原有獨特風味嘅Marou可可粉,就能夠令普通嘅小點心變得格外有特色。鍾意朱古力嘅各位就記得搵 CULT de Choco ,發掘更多有驚喜嘅高質朱古力產品啦!
份量 Portion:30-40 pcs
材料 Ingredients:
牛油(已放軟) Butter (soft) | 200 g
糖霜 Icing sugar | 80 g
蛋白 Egg white | 50 g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour | 220 g
Marou可可粉 Marou Cacao Powder | 30 g
腰果 Cashew nuts | 10 g
做法 Directions:
First, whip up the butter and icing sugar with an electric egg beater or a stand mixer. Gradually add in the egg white and keep beating until fluffy.
Sift the flour and the cacao powder. Add the dry ingredients in one-third at a time until thoroughly incorporated .
Place a star tip in a piping bag. Transfer the mixture into the piping bag. On a lined baking tray, pipe small rosettes on it. Squeeze out the mixture with a steady strength while rotating the tip of the pipe bag and pipe a circle. Sprinkle some chopped cashew nuts on top. When done, place the tray bake into the fridge for another 15-20 minutes.
Place the tray into a preheated oven at 160C and bake for about 15 minutes. When done, take the the cookies from the oven and let cool on a rack.
⭐️ 小貼士 Tips: