《食客關注組》Ep.1 菠蘿油
【真•菠蘿包 配 藍芝士牛油 Pineapple Bun w/ Blue Cheese Butter】
《食客關注組》終於喺 @AMM 亞洲心動娛樂 Hong Kong 播出啦!自己既係廚師、又係愛吃之人,但亦想知道究竟係乜野驅使食客們去開個group、一往情深咁淨係關注一款食物呢?係天生為食、定係當中有啲咩情意結同故事呢?
一連六集,我同6號 @RubberBand 將會一齊搵關注組嘅朋友上嚟傾吓計,了解一下香港傳統美食對呢班朋友仔、對我哋究竟代表著啲乜嘢~ 所以今次嘅《#店煮》就等我重現節目中嘅「真• 菠蘿包 配 藍芝士牛油」啦!
材料 Ingredients:
份量 - 12 個 (小) / 4個 (大)
- 菠蘿包 Pineapple Buns -
1 - 湯種 Water Roux
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour | 20 g
牛奶 Milk | 100 ml
2 - 麵包 Bun
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour | 300 g
砂糖 Sugar | 50 g
即溶酵母 Instant yeast | 5 g
牛奶 Milk | 120 ml
雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter | 30 g
菠蘿果乾 Dried pineapple | 60 g
鹽 Salt | 4 g
- 菠蘿皮 The Crust -
低筋麵粉 Cake flour | 70 g
梳打粉 Baking soda | 1 g
泡打粉 Baking powder | 1.5 g
吉士粉 Custard powder | 10 g
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter | 40 g
砂糖 Sugar | 40 g
蛋黃 Egg yolk | 1 pc
雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 4 ml
- 藍芝士牛油 Blue Cheese Butter -
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter | 220 g
砂糖 Sugar | 50 g
藍芝士 Blue cheese | 50 g
菠蘿果醬 Pineapple jam | 60 g
做法 Directions:
First, make the water roux. Add milk and flour into a small pot and mix well. Turn the heat up to medium and cook until thicken. Pour the roux out and cool down.
Warm the milk up to around 40C, add the instant yeast and mix well. Leave aside for about 10 minutes.
In the mixing bowl of the stand mixer, add all-purpose flour, sugar and salt. Whisk everything together. Turn the machine on to medium speed and add the milk and water roux in. Let everything mix together for a few minutes first. Then add the egg, butter and chopped dried pineapple, and keep kneading for another 5-7 minutes.
At the same time, grease the inside of a big bowl. When the dough is ready, take it out and keep folding outward to the centre until the surface of the dough become smooth. Place the dough into the bowl, cover up with plastic wrap and let it proof for about an hour.
After an hour or it doubles in size, poke your index finger in the centre of the dough. If it leaves a dent, that means the dough is ready for the next step. Divide the dough into 12 pieces (about 55g per piece).
Using a rolling pin to flatten each small dough and remove all the gas trapped inside the dough. Then lift the sides of the dough and fold them inward to the centre. Keep folding until the dough has a smooth surface. Place the dough onto a working surface and use your hand to make the dough round and tight. Cover with plastic wrap and let it proof for 30 minutes again.
At the same time, make the crust. Add cake flour, custard powder, baking soda and baking powder into a bowl, mix well. In another bowl, add sugar, butter, egg yolk and vanilla extract, mix well. Sift the dry ingredients onto the egg mixture and mix well. Divide the dough into 12 pieces (about ~15g each). Roll the pieces up and lightly flatten with your palms. Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge for at least 15-20 minutes.
When the dough is fully proofed, brush the surface with egg wash. Take the crust dough pieces out. Place one onto a piece of plastic wrap and cover it with another piece of plastic wrap. Flatten the dough into a small round sheet and place it onto the bread dough. Egg wash again and leave them again for another 5 minutes. Place the bread into a preheated oven at 190C for 18-20 minutes.
Make the blue cheese butter. Add the butter into the mixing bowl of the stand mixer. Beat it over high speed. Then add sugar, blue cheese and pineapple jam, keep beating for another few minutes. Transfer the whipped butter into a container and store in fridge until harden.
Assembling. Use a torch the heat the blade of your knife up. Cut the chunk of butter into thick pieces. At a 45C angle, slice open the pineapple buns and place a thick piece of blue cheese butter into the slit. Dust some icing sugar onto if you want, and this pineapple bun with blue cheese butter is ready to be served!
#AndyDark #ChefAndyDark #Dark_cooks #食客關注組